Our Program:
Our Program:
Each concept in our complete Year 7 and Year 8 Mathematics teaching programs includes:
Student notes pages that include worked examples, steps for algorithms, practice problems, extension and a puzzle
Teaching PowerPoint that matches student notes pages
Three leveled student workbook pages including a support, on-level and extension page
Codebreaker (a fun activity that poses support, on-level and extension level problems)
Student Workbooks
The Student Space workbooks contain the following elements for each mathematical concept:
Introduction page (notes for students that match teaching PowerPoint)
Practice pages (3 levels – support, on-level and extension)
Codebreaker (differentiated puzzles and codes)
Content Covered
Semester 1 contains the strands:
Whole Number
Special Number
Decimal Number
B.E.D.M.A.S. and Integers
Statistics and Probability
Semester 2 contains the strands:
Fractions and Percentages
Introduction Pages (Student Notes)
Each concept has two Introduction pages. The Intro pages are aimed at engaging student thinking and creating conceptual understanding. The pages have the following sections:
Explore: Open-ended questions that allow students to explore concepts
Notice: Questions that draw attention to patterns
Understand: Explanations of concepts represented visually and mathematically; not procedural based but aimed towards creating conceptual understanding
Worked Examples: Completed questions, with clear steps of the procedure, for students to have as notes
Think About It: Questions for students to answer in groups that extend student thinking, bring light to contradictions (cognitive dissonance) or emphasize key points
Our Turn: Leveled problems (support, on-level and extension) for the teacher to work with the class; the teacher can choose a few or all depending on the nature of the students within the class
Your Turn: Support and on-level problems for students to practice individually
Extension: Extension problems for students to practice individually
Puzzle: A logic puzzle that either stretches understanding of the current topic or strengthens logic, reasoning and number sense
Working Space: Grid paper for working out problems
Teaching Presentation
We offer teaching PowerPoints that match the student notes pages (Introductions) in the student workbooks.
The goal of the PowerPoints is to bring quality, consistency and ease to Mathematics teaching.
Any teacher or reliever should be able to walk into the classroom and teach a robust Maths lesson using the PowerPoint!
Differentiated Workbook Pages
Each concept has three leveled pages with varying difficulty and quantity of problems.
Support Level: Has problems that allow access to all students by hitting the stage just below the year level and build up to the on-level problems; plenty of working space provided
On-Level: Has problems that are at the right stage for the year level and progress towards extension thinking
Extension Level: Has problems that extend understanding of the concept by using backwards thinking and/or a variety of numbers (larger numbers, decimal numbers, fractions, etc.)
Codebreakers are FUN coded puzzles. Students must complete differentiated problems, beginning at support level problems then progressing to on-level and extension problems. The answers to the problems will match a letter in a code, eventually spelling the answer to a joke.
This is a FUN way to encourage more practice and revision. Students love these!
Now for the best part - we have answers too!
There is a separate answer book to use in the classroom. Answers are also posted to our website for educators with a subscription.
Answers to the Introduction pages (student notes) are on the teaching presentations, also available to educators with a subscription.
Bonus Features!
Our workbooks also include:
A differentiated basic facts program
Māori workbook pages that educate about Te Reo (e.g. how to count, etc.)
Tests that match the concepts in each unit
Can be used as practice tests or post-tests
What's In The Works?
We always want to keep improving our program and adding elements
that will further support teachers.
Here are a few items in the works:
emPowerED Maths @ Home Series © for schools (homework)
reCallED Basic Facts Series © for schools
eQuippED Maths @ Home © for parents
Later on in the future:
Online Student Program
Teaching Videos
Te Reo Māori Workbooks